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This webinar will show you exactly how I grew and scaled my highly successful cash based physical therapy practice without relying on insurance companies, having to hard sell my services, or the next marketing strategies...
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  Special Bonus: When You Register For this Workshop You Qualify to Get a FREE 15 Minute New Patient Strategy Call with a CashPT® Growth Specialist!
Cash Based Physical therapy
is the future.
Have you decided to start a cash-based therapy practice? Are you unsure where to start? Are you discouraged by other therapists telling you it's not possible? Are you overwhelmed by the prospect of figuring out it on your own? Are you frustrated with the lack of physician referrals that you get and are unclear how to find patients willing to pay you cash? Do you want more time with your patients? your family? for yourself?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, then this is the most important webinar that you will ever watch.

You can transform your life today by taking massive action and just doing it! What is holding you back? What are the obstacles that are in your way to starting the practice of your dreams? What is possible for you if you can take back the time you spend collecting payments? What is possible now that you can spend 45-60 minutes with each patient? Once you start a cash based practice you will have “Freedom in Practice!”
Dr. Aaron LeBauer
My name is Aaron LeBauer, and I LOVE building businesses including my multi 6 figure cash based physical therapy practice: LeBauer Physical Therapy in Greensboro, NC.

I have helped 1,000's of Physical Therapists launch & scale their own cash based physical therapy clinics over the past several years and I have put all my best stuff into this webinar!
" The 3 Secrets to building a private physical therapy practice Without relying on insurance. "
Register for the Webinar:
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